TWIGS PreK Curriculum was designed specifically for use in Zimbabwe. You can read more information about this curriculum and how to use it on our About TWIGS page. TWIGS is available for free for individual use and all materials can be downloaded using the links below.

Download the Teacher’s Guide

The Teacher’s Guide is your primary resource as you teach your student. It contains all the lesson plans for the year as well as helpful information as you use TWIGS. The Teacher’s Guide is supplemented by picture flashcards, alphabet flashcards, lacing card templates (to be used in developing fine motor skills), memory verse cards, and progress check forms.

Please download and print each of the documents below. The picture cards should be printed in full colour, cut out, and laminated.

Download the Student Workbook

The Student Workbook is made up of all the worksheets and collage templates your child will use throughout the school year. The worksheets are divided into school terms 1-3 (TWIGS follows the Zimbabwean school calendar which begins in January and ends in November). Use the same Teacher’s Guide for both ECD A (Preschool) and ECD B (Kindergarten), as these resources have been created for a combined classroom.

Please download and print the documents below. All the worksheets can be printed in black and white. We recommend using dry-erase pockets for some of the worksheets so your child can practice each skill multiple times.

ECD A (Preschool) Student Worksheets

ECD B (Kindergarten) Student Worksheets

Thank you for choosing TWIGS PreK Curriculum for your child! Kuvamba has made TWIGS available for free so that as many children as possible can learn new skills and prepare for their education journey. Please consider giving today to support Kuvamba’s work and make a difference in the lives of children in need.