Many street children are homeless through no fault of their own. Often they have been orphaned or abandoned, or have experienced devastating physical or sexual abuse. Young children are frequently used by relatives or other adults to raise money by begging on street corners. These children are denied a meal or a safe place to sleep at night if they have not met their quota.

Many kids in rural areas start school late, attend sporadically, and drop out far too soon. They walk miles to and from school each day. Their parents struggle to pay tuition, assist with homework, and buy school supplies. These kids are at risk of running away from home and ending up in the streets of Harare.

At-risk kids are all around us. They are kids struggling to survive in difficult environments, kids who don’t see a way out of poverty to a brighter future. Many at-risk kids feel that society doesn’t care about them, that they are invisible.

Kuvamba is working to spread the truth about street children and at-risk youth. We want to encourage churches and community members to step up and help these children in sustainable and practical ways. Want to learn more and help spread the word? Contact us today!